25 Years Of Trust

Auto Care Products
Auto Care Products

Twin Tech is offering a wide range of cleaning and sanitizing products under brand name Evershine to ensure that they can take extra special care of valuable things in home. The new Evershine home care range includes many of the products to take care of household things eg: Glass cleaner, Floor Sanitizer, Treadmill Lubricant, Furniture Polish and most important All in One for removing and cleaning rust. Keep your house clean and dust free with these amazing products. Evershine products range helps you to clean the Floor/ Galss/ Treadmill/Furniture and other multiple things without getting dirty and kills 99.9% germs and gives 10 times better cleaning and germ protection.

Spray Grease
Rubber Care
AC Disinfectant
Dashboard Shiner
Vinyl Protectant
Windshield Cleaner
Battery Terminal Coating
Silencer Coating
Rubber Care
Engine Lacquer Coating
Electrical Contact Cleaner